Along with the relocation of the water intake unit upstream to the Chingtan Dam in 1977, it was time for the Pump Equipment House to retire after of drawing raw water and delivering clean water. Erected in 1908, this majestic building has stood almost a century now. The R.O.C. Ministry of Interior designated it was a Grade-3 relic in June 1993. Beginning 28 September 1993, the House was opened for the public visit. Two weeks later, however, public opening was terminated as the Taipei Municipal Government deemed the leaking building structurally hazardous and needing a restoration. With a budget of NT$2 million(about US$70,000)appropriated by the Taipei Municipal Government, the Chinese College of Industry and Commerce was commissioned to make a report titled A Study of Water Source Site Pump House, a Grade-3 Relic of Taipei in 1997. The Taipei Water Department the allocated NT$80 million(equivalent to US$2.6 million)to perform the repair and restore the Pump House in May 1998. In addition, old photos and equipment relevant to water supply history were collected through all possible avenues to enrich the contents and peripheral facilities of this Taipei Museum of Drinking Water, the first of its kind in Taiwan.