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33-量水室 Metering Room


The Metering Room is a square building made of brick and ferroconcrete. Its function was to measure water volume.The walls of the building were decorated with fillisters and scores, its four corners had original red brick deliberately left revealed, and its windows and window frames were semicircular on the upper half and square on the lower half. It is speculated that this building was added after the completion of Taipei City's main waterworks; however, the facility still matches the overall plan and design. The original year and design of this structure is unknown due to the loss of files; it was retired from service metering the water output of Guanyinshan Distribution Reservoir in 1977 when the Gongguan Purification Plant was built.
Having undergone repair and renovation, the room is now a heritage site restaurant offering a variety of teas and simple meals.


양수실(量水室) 사각형 벽돌과 철근 콘크리트로 지었고수량을 측정하는 곳이기 때문에 지하로 굴착하여 만들었다표면의 홈이 줄무늬를 이루고  모서리 부분은 붉은 벽돌로 만들었다양수실 창문과 창틀은 위쪽으로 반원을 그리며 아래쪽은 사각형 모양이다해당 건물은 타이베이의 주요 수도 공사가 완료된 이후 새로 지어진 것으로 추정되지만관련 시설을 고려하여 계획적으로 설계했음을   있다양수실의 시작건축 시기  설계는 문서가 소실되어   없다샤오관인산의 저수지 출수량을 측정했으며민국 66(1977) 궁관 정수장이 완공된  사용하지 않게 되었다.