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34-喞筒井  Pumping Well


Pumping wells normally go with pumping rooms. A pumping well is to pressurize and pump the water from the intake unit to the distribution well, then to other wells or pools. A pumping well is required when the altitude of the place where the intake unit is placed is lower; in other words, water cannot be delivered through natural gravity force. There is no fixed outlook or modeling of pumping wells; shapes like rectangular, round, and oval are very common and mainly made of either concrete or concrete with reinforcing bars. There is no fixed ratio of depth to internal diameter, either.
The 1st pumping well of the "Taipei Water Source Site" in rectangular shape. Water went through the well into the room and then was pumped by the equipment to the distribution well. The finished water then went through the 2nd pumping well and was then delivered to the water purification reservoir on Mt. Guanyin (also known as Guanyinshan nowadays).



일반적으로 펌프 우물은 펌프실과 함께 배치한다펌프 우물은 취수구에서 받은 물을 압력을 통해 분수정(分水井)으로 보내고 분수정에서 다시  우물로 분배하는 역할을 한다수도 취수구가 수원지보다 낮은 지대에 위치하면 물을 보낼  낙차를 이용할  없으므로 펌프 기구로 물에 압력을 가해 높은 곳에 위치한 수원지로 보낸다펌프 우물의 모양은 모두 다르며 정해진 제작 방법이 없다직사각형원형 그리고 타원형 등의 모양이 있고구조는 대부분 콘크리트와 철근 콘크리트로 이루어져 있으며 펌프 우물의 깊이와 내경은 정해진 비율이 없다.

타이베이 수도 펌프 우물은 직사각형으로수원이 펌프 우물을 통과하면 펌프실 내의 펌프 기구가 물을 분수정으로 보낸다정화 처리를 거친 깨끗한 물은 펌프 우물을 이용해 관인산 정수지로 보낸다.